Thursday, 17 May 2012

Home Improvement Costs Windsor Real Estate

Home Improvement Costs



The following costs are intended as ball park

estimates for repairs and/or improvements

to a typical three bedroom home. The costs

are based on information obtained in the

Southern Ontario area. Our experience has

shown that actual contractor quotations

can vary by as much as 300%. Naturally,

the quality of workmanship and materials

will influence costs. The complexity of

the job, accessibility, and even economic

conditions can also alter actual costs.

Install conventional asphalt shingles over existing shingles ..............$ 2.

00 - $ 4.00 per sq. ft.

Strip and reshingle with conventional asphalt shin g l e s .......................$ 2.

75 - $ 5.50per sq. ft.

Strip and reshingle with premium quality asphalt s h i n g l e s . . . . . . ..........$ 5.

00 - $ 10.00per sq. ft.

Strip and re-roof with cedar shingles .......................................................$ 9.

00 - $ 18.00 per sq. ft.

Strip and replace built-up tar and gravel roof.........................................$ 10.

00 - $ 20.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 1000)

Strip and install single-ply roof membrane..............................................$ 10.

00 - $ 20.00


per sq. ft. (min. $ 1000)

Reflash typical skylight or chimney...........................................................$ 500.

00 - $ 1000.

Repoint typical chimney above roof line..................................................$ 25.

00 - $ 50.00 per row of bricks (min. $ 400)

Rebuild typical single flue chimney above roof line ..............................$ 200.

00 - $ 400.00 per lin. ft. (min. $ 500)


Install galvanized or aluminum gutters and downspouts.....................$ 5.

00 - $ 10.00 per lin.ft. (min. $ 500)

Install aluminum soffits and fascia ............................................................$ 8.

00 - $ 16.00 per lin. ft.

Install aluminum or vinyl siding..................................................................$ 6.

00 - $ 12.00 per sq. ft.

Repoint exterior wall: soft mortar ..............................................................$ 3.

00 - $ 6.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 500)

hard mortar.............................................................$ 5.

00 - $ 10.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 500)

Parge foundation walls ................................................................................$ 3.

00 - $ 6.00 per sq. ft.

Dampproof foundation walls and install weeping tiles.........................$ 150.

00 - $ 300.00 per lin. ft. (min. $ 3000)

Install a deck...................................................................................................$ 25.

00 - $ 50.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 1000)

Resurface existing asphalt driveway........................................................$ 2.

00 - $ 4.00 per sq. ft.

Install interlocking brick driveway.............................................................$ 8.

00 - $ 16.00 per sq. ft.

Rebuild exterior basement stairwell .........................................................$ 5000.


Build detached garage: ............................................................................... per sq. ft.

Build retaining wall: wood...........................................................................$ 20.

00 - $ 40.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 500)

concrete.....................................................................$ 30.

00 - $ 60.00 per sq. ft. (min. $ 500)

Painting: trim only..........................................................................................$ 2000.

00 - $ 4000. 0 0 and up

trim and wall surfaces.................................................................$ 5000.

00 and up


Underpin one corner of house....................................................................$ 5000.

00 and up

Underpin or add foundations ......................................................................$ 300.

00 and up per lin. ft. (min. $ 3000)

Lower basement floor by underpinning and/or bench footings .........$ 150.

00 - $ 300.00 per lin. ft. (min. $ 5000)

Replace deteriorating sill beam with concrete ......................................$ 60.

00 and up per lin. ft. (min. $ 200)

Install basement support post with proper footing................................$ 800.

00 - $ 1600.00

Perform chemical treatment for termites ................................................$ 2000.

00 and up

Repair minor crack in poured concrete foundation..............................$ 400.

00 - $ 800.00


Upgrade electrical service to 100-amps (including new panel) .........$ 1500.

00 - $ 3000.00

Upgrade electrical service to 100-amps

(if suitably sized panel already exists)................................................$ 800.

00- $ 1600.00

Upgrade electrical service to 200-amps ..................................................$ 1700.

00 - $ 3500.00

Install new circuit breaker panel ...............................................................$ 700.

00 - $ 1400.00

Replace circuit breaker (20 amp or less) .................................................$ 100.

00 - $ 200.00

Add 120-volt circuit (microwave, freezer, etc.).......................................$ 150.

00 - $ 300.00

Add 240-volt circuit (dryer, stove, etc.).....................................................$ 300.00 - $ 600.00

First Time Home Buyers can RRSP to purchase or build a home

Expansion of the Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)

To provide first-time homebuyers with greater access to their RRSP savings to purchase or build a home, the Government of Canada has increased the Home Buyers’ Plan withdrawal limit to $25,000 from $20,000 per person for withdrawals made after January 27, 2009.
To obtain more information on the First-Time Home Buyers’ Tax Credit and the Home Buyers’ Plan, call 1-800-O-Canada or visit the Canada Revenue Agency website at

Looking for More Homebuying Information?

When it comes to buying your home, nothing is more valuable than peace of mind. That’s why for more than 60 years, CMHC has shared a wealth of knowledge and housing expertise to contribute to a positive homeownership experience for Canadians. Browse through our wealth of homebuying information. You’ll find everything you need, from homebuying videos, to mortgage calculators, to home hunting worksheets.
CMHC also provides mortgage loan insurance that enables you to buy a home with a minimum down payment of 5%” — with interest rates comparable to those with a 20% down payment. Obtain a 10% premium refund and extend the amortization period without a premium surcharge when using CMHC-insured financing to purchase an eligible energy-efficient home. This can add up to savings of $1,688 for a typical $250,000 mortgage with a 5% down payment amortized over 35 years. Ask your mortgage professional about CMHC.